What to Expect:

Writing the Wild is a year-long writing journey.

Duration: September 19, 2023 - June 4, 2024.

Participating writers receive prompts in the mail each month, including books and supplies.

We meet twice monthly on Zoom to connect, write together, and learn with and from our guest artists and writers.

Journals, pens, and teacups laid out on a picnic table in a redwood grove

On this journey, you will:

  • Create a habit of writing by practicing creativity most days in playful, embodied ways

  • Discover your own rhythm of writing, including seasons of input and output, productivity and rest

  • Learn with and from our many wonderful guests, along with the work of writers such as Joy Harjo, David James Duncan, Ada Limon, Brian Doyle, Rumi, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Mary Oliver

  • Come away with a renewed sense of yourself as a holistically creative being, inextricably entwined with the wild Earth

  • Create a body of work that moves you closer to the mysteries of these connections

  • Cultivate rhythms and connections that will continue to support your writing journey beyond the cohort’s timeframe

The cohort is designed for both new and established writers to learn from and alongside one another. We play at the edges: of art and writing, of the personal and ecological realms, of the literary and mainstream worlds. Like an ecotone—a borderland between distinct habitats—we aspire to be an in-between place where a unique diversity of life flourishes.

Not sure if Writing the Wild is right for you? Contact Us with questions or to learn more.


Our 2023-2024 cohort is now full, but we will have short-term Writing Labs and other events throughout the year.

Sign up for Krissy’s email list to stay up-to-date about other offerings and receive a taste of what Writing the Wild has to offer.  


We will gather twice monthly on Zoom, on Tuesdays at 4pm PST. See the calendar for details. Our gatherings will include:

1.     Ten Workshops:

Intensive craft workshops with guest teachers and seasonal contemplative workshops with our guides. (See Who We Are for details about our guides and guests.)

2.     Eight Q&As with Guest Artists + Writers

Interview sessions with a variety of writers and artists.

“Field notes” will be provided after each session—a copy of hand-drawn notes taken by one of our nature journalers. (See Who We Are for details about our guests and notetakers.)

Participants will have the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time. Not all questions will be answered, but the body of questions received will inform the scope of the interview. 


Our best, most formative creative practices are often embodied; we learn best when we engage our whole selves. Though Writing the Wild gathers on Zoom, mail is a core pathway for our journey.


You will receive two or more writer’s care packages during the year, which will include:

  • journaling materials

  • art supplies

  • core texts for your journey

  • prints and broadsides from our guests

  • 2 copies of the Writing the Wild Zine (all participants will have the opportunity to submit a piece)

  • some surprises along the way


You will receive 8-10 sets of prompts throughout the year, tied to our core texts and the seasonal rhythms of the Earth.

These prompts will invite you into :

  •  writing (primarily poetry and creative nonfiction, with a touch of fiction)

  • nature immersion

  • creative cross training

  • playful rest

We are unable to predict the exact delivery times of our mail and appreciate your patience. We are usually able to ship internationally, though delivery will be delayed.

Additional Offerings:

Writing the Wild Labs

Writing the Wild Labs will be offered throughout the year. Labs are small group, short term, intensive workshops around a particular theme or topic.

Upcoming labs will include: feedback workshops with Elizabeth Bradfield, generative poetry with Derek Sheffield, creative play with Adam Himebauch, nature journaling with Kate Rutter and Marley Peifer, and many more!

Writing the Wild cohort participants will receive early and discounted registration opportunities for the labs.